Arraignment Attorneys in Morris County, New Jersey
What is an Arraignment?
An Arraignment is the first appearance made by a Defendant before a Superior Court Judge after an Indictment has issued. During the Arraignment hearing, the Prosecutor will advise the Defendant of the charges. The Defendant, through his/her attorney, will enter a plea of “guilty” or “not guilty” to those charges. A plea offer may be extended, and motion practice may be discussed. The Arraignment is often considered to be the first step in the formal process towards trial.
If you or a loved one have been indicted and are scheduled to appear before a Superior Court Judge for an Arraignment, you will be required to have legal representation, as it is a critically important stage of a criminal case.
Contact a Denville NJ Arraignment Lawyer Today
Alissa D. Hascup represents clients through the State of New Jersey that have been indicted for serious crimes. She is a former assistant county prosecutor and special deputy attorney general that handled countless Arraignments. She is now ready to represent you.
Contact her office anytime at 862-257-1200 for an initial consultation, which is always provided free of charge.