Police in Clifton New Jersey are searching for a man who allegedly committed a violent robbery on a local street.
The theft incident reportedly occurred around 11:15 p.m. According to law enforcement, the victim was walking along Madison Avenue in Clifton NJ when the suspect approached him. The suspect then allegedly punched the 22-year-old victim in the side of the head and held him on the ground.
While the suspect restrained the victim, he allegedly stole several items from the victim.
After committing the violent theft, the suspect ran off in an unknown direction and fled the area.
Afterwards, the victim dialed 911 and contacted the Clifton Police Department. The victim later provided a description of his mugger to police. The suspect has been described as a male in his 30s.
Clifton police are actively investigating the incident. At this time, investigators have yet to identify a suspect in the case.
If police can eventually determine the identity of the mugger, he would likely be subject to serious criminal charges for robbery and aggravated assault.
The penalties for the most serious charge of robbery could be severe. As set forth by N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1, anyone who commits a theft while purposefully inflicting serious bodily injury can be charged with a first degree crime. A conviction on first degree robbery charges could result in a sentence of 10-20 years in NJ State Prison.
To learn more about this case, check out the NJ.com article, “Man Punched, Robbed While Walking in Clifton, Cops Say.”