Passaic County law enforcement recently arrested two men accused of possessing more than $200K worth of stolen party equipment from a Prospect Park NJ company.
According to law enforcement, the suspects stole the equipment and stashed it at various garages located in Paterson, New Jersey.
The Prospect Park Police Department opened an investigation after Prestige Party Rental filed a police report. The party company said that more than $200,000 worth of equipment had been stolen from their facilities.
Prospect Park police turned the investigation over to the Passaic County Sheriff s Office. Within two weeks, investigators located approximately $60,000 worth of stolen equipment hidden in two Paterson NJ garages. The stolen party equipment that was recovered included 20 tables, 180 folding chairs, and 10 commercial tents.
The suspects, brothers who live in Paterson and Bloomfield, face criminal charges for receiving stolen property.
If the suspects are convicted on the very serious theft-related charges, they could be in store for significant penalties. Since the charges are classified as third degree felonies, a conviction carries a potential penalty of 3-5 years in New Jersey State Prison.
Moreover, the suspects could face additional criminal charges if police are able to locate the $140K worth of party equipment that was reportedly stolen from the Prospect Park party company and that is still missing.
For further information about this case, see the article, “Brothers Arrested in $200K Heist of Party Equipment, Sheriff Says.”