Port Authority Police Stop Long Island NY Pharmacist for Driving Drunk in Stolen Corvette

A Long Island pharmacist has been arrested for driving drunk in a stolen Corvette convertible.

42-year-old Simon C. Dolmaian was stopped by Port Authority police at the entrance to the Holland Tunnel. Mr. Dolmaian was driving a 2013 Corvette convertible that he had allegedly driven off the lot of an Atlantic City dealership hours earlier.

After Port Authority police stopped Mr. Dolmaian’s vehicle, they found a bottle containing more than two (2) dozen illegally prescribed pills.

Mr. Dolmaian has been charged with theft, receiving stolen property, drunk driving (DWI), and reckless driving.

In New Jersey, auto theft is addressed by N.J.S.A. 2C: 20-3. As set forth by the statute, theft of an automobile by unlawful taking is, at a minimum, a third degree felony. If Mr. Dolmaian is convicted of third degree auto theft, he could be sentenced to up to five (5) years in New Jersey State Prison. Additionally, Mr. Dolmaian could have his driver’s license suspended for as many as ten (10) years.

Prior to this arrest, Mr. Dolmaian was already awaiting trial for a drunk-driving accident in the Hamptons last month. In that case, Mr. Dolmaian has been charged with DWI and reckless driving.

Mr. Dolmaian is currently being held at the Hudson County Jail in Kearny NJ.

For more information, see the CliffviewPilot.com article entitled “Port Authority Police Stop DWI Pharmacist with Stolen Corvette, $40,000 Cash.”