Paterson New Jersey police arrested two local residents who allegedly had multiple packages of marijuana in their vehicle.
According to authorities, the suspects were stopped while driving on Michigan Avenue in Paterson, NJ. Two officers with the Passaic County Sheriff s Office reportedly noticed that the suspects car, a black Lexus, had tinted windows. So police pulled over the vehicle.
When police ran a background check on the driver, they reportedly learned that he was driving with a suspended license.
Paterson NJ police later conducted a search of the motor vehicle and allegedly discovered packages containing 147 grams of marijuana. Additionally, police allegedly found $2,357 that may represent the proceeds of drug sales.
The driver, as well as a 17-year-old passenger, was placed under arrest. They have been charged with numerous drug crimes, including possession of marijuana.
If the adult suspect is convicted on the charge of marijuana possession, he faces severe penalties. As set forth by N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(3), anyone who possesses more than 50 grams of marijuana can be charged with a fourth degree felony. A conviction for fourth degree marijuana possession could result in a sentence of up to 18 months in New Jersey State Prison.
After being arrested and processed, the suspects were released from police custody on their own recognizance.
For more information about this case, check out the article, “Tinted Windows Leads to Paterson Drug Arrest, Sheriff Says.”