Man was Arrested After Three Month Crime Spree in Paterson

According to authorities, a 19 year-old was arrested for various crimes dating back to January 2020. Angel Florian is accused of a robbery on East 22nd Street in Paterson. In February he allegedly shot at an 18 year-old city man who had just been stabbed on North 4th Street, however he missed. Most recently on March 2nd, Florian is accused of allegedly entering a Godwin Avenue home with a gun and robbing three men and two women. Two of the victims, a 19 year old woman and a 24 year-old man sustained injuries during the robbery and were treated at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center. 

Police arrested Florian on Thursday in the area of North 4th Street and charged with armed robbery, attempted murder, aggravated assault and several illegal weapons offenses. He remains in the Passaic County Jail pending a first appearance in CJP Court. Click here to read more at

The state of New Jersey handles robbery cases very seriously and penalties can be severe.

Robbery is codified under N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1, which provides:

a. A person is guilty of robbery if, in the course of committing a theft, he:

  1. Inflicts bodily injury or uses force upon another; or
  2. Threatens another with or purposely puts him in fear of immediate bodily injury; or
  3. Commits or threatens immediately to commit any crime of the first or second degree.

Robbery is a crime of the second degree, except that it is a crime of the first degree if in the course of committing the theft the actor:

  1. Attempts to kill anyone; or
  2. Purposely inflicts or attempts to inflict serious bodily injury; or
  3. Is armed with, or uses, or threatens the immediate use of a deadly weapon.

A crime of the first degree is punishable by a term of imprisonment of between 10 and 20 years in New Jersey State Prison.

A crime of the second degree is punishable by a term of imprisonment of between 5 and 10 years in New Jersey State Prison.

Robbery (in either degree) is an enumerated crime under the No Early Release Act (NERA), meaning that 85% of the sentence imposed must be served before becoming eligible for parole.

If you or a loved one is charged with robbery, you should contact a criminal defense attorney immediately. Alissa D. Hascup is skilled and experienced at defending countless individuals charged with robbery. She is committed to ensuring your rights are protected in court and that you get the best possible outcome. Contact her office for a free consultation about your case. She is available 24/7 at 862-257-1200.