Little Ferry Priest Charged After Pointing Gun At Child

A Little Ferry Priest Kevin Carter a 54 year old man has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child and aggravated assault after pointing a gun at a child. The child and the priest were having a discussion and the priest than asked the child to go into the rectory room, where he had him stand against a wall. While positioned against the wall the priest then took a gun and aimed it at the child. In a press release, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli said Carter had asked to see the victim, who has not been identified publicly, in a rectory room, had him stand against a wall, then pointed the functioning long gun at the child, indicating that he would shoot.  According to John L. Molinelli

Under N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4 which is endangering the welfare of a child. It involves being responsible to legally care for the child, and then engaging in any type of sexual conduct, or harm the morals of the child. Neglecting the child or abusing the child is also under this statute. This situation was a crime of the 3rd degree. A person found guilty of a crime of the 3rd degree is looking at 3 to 5 years in New Jersey State Prison.

Under N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1b which is aggravated assault. It constitutes the attempt to cause serious bodily injury to another person. Recklessly attempting and causing bodily injury to another person with a deadly weapon, or pointing a deadly weapon at another individual, whether or not the defendant knows its loaded or unloaded. The rate of the degree is different for the type of aggravated assault, and in this case it is a crime of the 4th degree. A person found guilty of a crime of the 4th degree is looking at spending up to 18 months in New Jersey State Prison.

More information on the case can be found here