Little Falls teens claimed sneaker robbery to hide drug deal gone bad

In a story posted on, in Little Falls Five teens are facing charges of a bogus sneaker robbery that was concocted to cover-up an apparent drug deal, according to the authorities on Tuesday.

A Six-teen year old boy on Novemeber 17th told police, he an two friends were robbed of a pair of Nike Jordan sneakers when they met with Nicholas Nath 18, of Little Falls, Gustavo Diaz, 18 of Totowa and a 16 year old from Little Falls. According to police, the 16 year-old stated they met up to sell the shoes behind a Dunkin Donuts.

The victims alleged that Nath punched another 16-year old who tried to intervene in the robbery, police stated in a news release. They also told police that four men with baseball bats threatened them when they tried to take back the purported stolen shoes behind a local church.

The story started to unravel after the investigation by Detectives of Sgt. James Briggs and Detective Jonathan Vanak, police said. The investigators learned that Nath, Diaz and the boy actually robbed the 16-year old of two ounces of marijuana.

Nath, Diaz, and the teens were arrested on robbery charges, according to police. Authorities also seized Nath s vehicle, which was allegedly used in the drug robbery.

Path Patel, 18, of Little Falls, and the 16 year-old, who claimed to be victims of the sneaker robbery were arrested on charges of false swearing, hindering apprehension and falsely incriminating men from the alleged baseball bat confrontation, police said.

Patel was also charged with witness tampering for telling the juvenile to lie about being robbed of sneakers instead of marijuana, Briggs added. The marijuana, which investigators have not recovered, was apparently in a shoebox.

An Investigation was ongoing and more arrests were expected, the sergeant said

Passaic County Sheriff s officers arrested Patel on unrelated marijuana charges in Paterson on Saturday, authorities said.
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