Hanover NJ Police Arrest Newark Woman for Engaging in Prostitution

A 20-year-old Newark woman was arrested for attempting to engage in prostitution.

According to Hanover police, a Hanover officer stopped a car with four (4) women inside for motor vehicle violations on Route 10. However, the officer let the women go with a warning and gave them directions to the hotel they were looking for.

Later, the officer drove past the hotel and saw a man standing on Route 10. The man admitted to the officer that he had called an escort service and was waiting for the women to show up.

When the women arrived at the hotel, the Hanover officer arrested two (2) of them. Octavia Fillmore was charged with engaging in prostitution and having an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle. 20-year-old Newark resident Massie Aminah, a passenger in the car, was arrested because she had several active warrants out for her arrest. The warrants stemmed from numerous charges: hindering apprehension in Union Township; driving with a suspended license in Irvington; driving with a suspended license in East Orange; and failure to observe a traffic signal in Newark.

The other two (2) women in the car were released.

Hanover police said that they were still determining whether to charge the man waiting at the hotel with soliciting prostitution.

For more information, see the NJ.com article entitled “Newark Woman Was to Meet Man for Sex at Hotel, Hanover Cops Say.”