Guatemalan Citizen Accused of Distributing Child Pornography in Passaic NJ

A Guatemalan citizen living in Passaic NJ was arrested after police allegedly found child pornography videos in his home.

The Passaic County Sheriff’s Office Internet Crime Task Force conducted a monthlong investigation into 31-year-old Alex Hernandez-Soto. It was believed that Mr. Hernandez-Soto had been distributing illicit materials from his home. After the investigation confirmed authorities’ suspicions, a search warrant was served.

According to a statement issued by the sheriff’s office, police discovered in Mr. Hernandez-Soto’s home eight (8) video files depicting minors engaged in sexual activity. Additionally, detectives seized other equipment allegedly containing child pornography.

After serving the warrant, members of the task force arrested Mr. Hernandez-Soto.

Mr. Hernandez-Soto has been charged with child pornography possession and child pornography distribution.

After being arrested, Mr. Hernandez-Soto was taken to the Passaic County Jail, where he was being held in lieu of $100,000.00 bail. Additionally, federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have placed a hold on Mr. Hernandez-Soto.

For more information, read the article entitled “Police: Guatemalan Citizen Distributed Child Porn from Passaic Home.”