Glen Rock Police Sergeant Accused of Child Endangerment

Glen Rock Police Sergeant Accused of Child Endangerment

A Glen Rock Police Sergeant who was just released on charges of messaging two teenage girls sexually graphic images, is now assigned to house arrest. Eric Reamy a 51 year old Police Officer of 27 years in Glen Rock, was set to retire in a few weeks. He has been charged with 5 counts of child endangerment. In addition Eric Reamy has been charged with possession of child pornography. He is accused of sending two photos of his private part to a 14-year-old girl and encouraging her to send him naked pictures of herself, authorities said. He is also charged with possession of child pornography for allegedly receiving a photograph of the juvenile s breasts over the Internet. I The two girls one 17 and the younger one 14 were part of a juvenile case he was working on as a Detective. Of the states charges against Mr. Reamy there are four counts of the 3rd degree and one count of the 1st degree. These are all very serious charges to be facing in the State of New Jersey

Under N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4 which is endangering the welfare of a child or one who engages in sexual conduct which would impair or debauch the morals of the child.It is either a crime of the 1st, 2nd or a crime of the 3rd degree. Which like many statutes in New Jersey are stratified and complex. In this case it was a crime of 1st degree on one charge and the 3rd degree on four charges. If found guilty one is looking at a New Jersey State Prison sentence of the 1st degree charge it is a prison sentence of 10 to 20 years and 3 to 5 years on the 3rd degree charges. In addition a person may be facing Megan’s Law Registration.

I: More information can be found here

If you or someone you love are accused of charges similar to these please contact Alissa D. Hascup for a free consultation. Ms, Hascup can be reached at 862-257-1200 and is conveniently located in downtown Paterson, New Jersey