After several years of going through a school appeals process, a former Paterson NJ teacher has been suspended for allegedly spitting on a high school student.
The incident occurred in May 2014 at the School of Education and Training in the JFK Educational Complex in Paterson, New Jersey. The suspect, a French teacher at the school, reportedly got into a verbal altercation with a 10th-grade student.
According to authorities, the suspect shouted at the female student and called her dirty. The verbal abuse allegedly continued for some time, with the suspect telling the student to go home and take a shower.
The suspect then allegedly became physical and spit on the young victim.
Although the suspect was eventually fired from his teaching position because of the incident, he did manage to avoid being charged with simple assault.
The suspect was a teacher in New Jersey for roughly a decade, including a long time in Paterson. Now he has been suspended from teaching in New Jersey for a period of two years after a school board determined that his behavior and actions were highly inappropriate. If the suspect had been allowed to continue teaching, he reportedly had a job lined up at East Orange Campus High School in East Orange, New Jersey.
To learn more about this case, check out the article, “Teacher Who Allegedly Spit on Student Punished by State.”