Dumont NJ Police Arrest Man Who Was Allegedly Posing As a Police Officer to Obtain Prescription Drugs

dumont prescriptionA Dumont NJ man has been arrested on charges that he repeatedly posed as a Passaic County Sheriff’s officer for the purpose of illegally obtaining prescription drugs.

Two (2) months ago, Dumont NJ police were notified that 31-year-old Christopher Saroldi was misrepresenting himself to illegally gain medical services. Police investigated and learned that Mr. Saroldi was identifying himself as both a police officer and a police dispatcher.

After the lengthy investigation, Dumont police officers assisted detectives as they arrested Mr. Saroldi.

Mr. Saroldi has been charged with impersonating a police officer, theft of services, and obtaining prescription drugs by fraud. According to authorities, Mr. Saroldi was already facing unrelated drug possession charges stemming from an arrest in August.

In New Jersey, it is illegal to attempt to obtain prescription drugs by fraud. N.J.S.A. 2C:35-13 stipulates that obtaining a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) by fraud, forgery, deception, or misrepresentation is a third degree felony. If Mr. Saroldi is convicted of third degree obtaining prescription drugs by fraud, he could be sentenced to as many as five (5) years in state prison.

After being arrested, Mr. Saroldi was released on his own recognizance.

To learn more, see the NJ.com article entitled “Sheriff: Man Posed as Cop in Order to Get Prescription Drugs.”