Clifton NJ police are searching for suspects in two separate robberies that were committed on consecutive days.
The robberies occurred in late December. The first theft crime involved two suspects, a male and a female, who followed the victim before approaching him in the Botany Village area of Clifton, New Jersey. The suspects allegedly walked up to the male victim near the intersection of Arthur Street and Center Street and threatened him with deadly weapons. The victim said that the male suspect was brandishing a knife and the female suspect was brandishing a firearm.
After getting the victim s wallet and cell phone, the suspects reportedly ran off and headed in the direction of Ackerman Avenue.
The victim was able to notify the Clifton Police Department, but the suspects were long gone by the time Clifton NJ cops arrived in the area.
The second robbery occurred just one day later and only a few blocks away from the site of the first robbery. This time, a male suspect and a female suspect approached the victim near the intersection of Ackerman Avenue and Sears Place in Clifton, NJ. According to authorities, the male suspect concealed his identity by wearing a ski mask over his face.
The male suspect allegedly held a handgun and threatened to shoot the victim unless he got on the ground. Once the victim was on the pavement, both suspects then allegedly took his wallet and other personal property.
Law enforcement is currently operating on the assumption that the armed robberies may be connected. That s because the culprits in both cases stalked the victims for some time prior to robbing them.
If police can eventually identify and apprehend the suspects, it is likely that serious criminal charges for armed robbery would follow. As set forth by N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1, anyone who commits a theft while using a deadly weapon can be charged with a first degree felony. A conviction on first degree armed robbery charges could lead to a sentence of 10-20 years in New Jersey State Prison.
For further information about this case, read the article, “Police Seek Suspects in Gunpoint Robberies.”