This week, the Newark Police Department released monthly data on it stop-and-frisk tactics. Civil rights advocates have praised the department’s decision to make the information public, but the data has also raised concerns that the police are stopping too many black people. Although the Newark Police Department has agreed to release the race, age, and… Continue Reading
Category Archives: Drunk Driving (DWI)
Clifton NJ Man Charged with Death by Auto in Suspected DWI Accident
A Clifton NJ man has been charged with death by auto after allegedly striking and killing a woman who was trying to get into the back seat of a parked car in northern New Jersey. Clifton police suspect that 26-year-old Robert Santiago was drunk when he crashed his vehicle into the parked car. The accident… Continue Reading
Brooklyn Nets Head Coach Jason Kidd Pleads Guilty, Reaches Plea Deal in Drunk Driving (DWI) Case
This week, Jason Kidd, the former New York Knicks point guard and current Brooklyn Nets head coach, reached a plea agreement with NYC prosecutors in a drunk driving (DWI) case. In open court, Mr. Kidd stipulated that he was intoxicated during the early morning hours of July 15, 2012, when he crashed his car into… Continue Reading
Proposed NJ Law Would Allow New Jersey Police Officers to Search Drivers’ Cell Phones After Accidents
The New Jersey State Senate is considering legislation that would allow police officers to perform a warrantless search of a driver’s cell phone when determining whether the driver was texting or talking at the time of a traffic accident. Police officers usually ask motorists to present a driver’s license and vehicle registration after an accident.… Continue Reading