Authorities in Little Falls, New Jersey are investigating possible embezzlement from the local Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
The investigation was launched by the NJ PTA after auditors reportedly noticed certain financial irregularities in certain branches of the Little Falls PTA. According to officials, School 2 and School 3 in Little Falls, NJ are showing less money than would be expected.
After flagging the possible fraud crime, the New Jersey PTA announced that investigators would be taking a closer look at the alleged irregularities. This will reportedly involve sending official investigators to Little Falls to examine the financial books.
It is believed that someone may have stolen several thousand dollars. The Little Falls PTA reportedly raised around $27K during a major fundraiser in 2015, with multiple local businesses donating funds to the organization.
For additional information about this case, read the article, “Thousands in PTA Money at Little Falls Schools May Be Missing.”