Second Victim in Paterson NJ Gas Station Robbery Dies

A second victim shot during a gas station robbery in Paterson NJ has died.

24-year-old Abdul Waqas Hussain died at a city hospital. Mr. Hussain and his brother, 27-year-old Abdul Nasir Hussain, were both shot during a robbery of a CITGO gas station on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Madison Avenue.

Both men were taken by paramedics to St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in South Paterson NJ. Abdul Nasir Hussain died a few hours after the robbery, while Abdul Waqas Hussain died three days later.

The Hussain brothers belong to a family that has owned the gas station for roughly ten (10) years.

Three (3) men were arrested in connection with the deadly robbery: 37-year-old Manley Flemmings, 20-year-old Shaquille Fabor, and 19-year-old Taheem Singletary.

The suspects have been charged with murder and robbery. Police also believe that the suspects robbed a different Paterson gas station several times in September.

In NJ, murder is governed by N.J.S.A. 2C:11-3. The statute classifies homicide as a first degree criminal offense. First degree felonies typically carry a maximum term of imprisonment of 20 years, but the NJ criminal code treats murder differently. In this case, if the suspects are convicted of first degree homicide, they could be sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum term of imprisonment of 30 years.

To learn more, see the article entitled “Second Paterson Gas Station Robbery Victim Dies, Report Says.”