Tam Marie Pitts Gaddy and her 5-year old were found murdered in their Englewood apartment last week. The victim’s boyfriend, Michael C. Brady, was later charged with their murder. Because of the relationship between the victim and the defendant, the incident has been labeled one of domestic violence.
Funeral services were held on Tuesday (February 6th) for Pitts Gaddy and her daughter, at which Rev. Dr. Lester W. Taylor, Jr. proclaimed that domestic violence has been rampant in the community for years. He said that it was time to stop attempting to “pray it away” and face it.
The victims’ family has started an initiative to raise awareness about domestic violence in their memory. The initiative has been named the “T&T Initiative,” which stands for Tammy and Tay Tay (the victims), and will be headed by Pitts Gaddy’s sister, Pastor Angele Frazier Tanner. The focus of the initiative, according to a flyer distributed at the funeral, is to:
1. Network and connect with existing domestic violence programs.
2. Create housing or emergency living arrangements for those who are threatened.
3. Network and connect with professional counseling services to assist.
4. Network and connect with women’s groups who can offer skills on dating and relationships.
5. Network and connect with men and children’s groups to offer assistance in helping those in need of immediate help.
The initiative will begin by networking in Bergen and Passaic counties.
According to Frazier Tanner, she is “sounding the alarm” on domestic violence.
For more information, see the NJ.com article entitled, “Family honors Englewood murder victims with domestic violence initiative.”