According to authorities, two people were arrested in the city of Paterson on Tuesday morning during an attempted drug transaction. Police allege that 26 year-old Rashone N. Clark and 44 year-old Felecia H. Ross were observed by detectives in the area of Hamilton and Auburn Street. Detectives first noticed the two having conversation, and then observed that Ross had cash rolled up in her hand, and she allegedly tried to give it to Clark. Clark saw the detectives approaching them and stuffed an object in his waistband. He was then ordered to put his hands on the hood of the police unit and he was patted down. A search yielded a bag containing a large rock-like substance believed to be crack cocaine. Clark was charged with three drug offenses. Ross indicated that she was in possession of a “stem” crack pipe, and she was subsequently charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Click here to read more at
Cocaine is a Schedule II narcotic. The state of New Jersey takes Possession of Cocaine charges very seriously, and harsh penalties may be imposed. A controlled dangerous substance, or its analog, classified in Schedule I, II, II, or IV other than those specifically covered in this section, is guilty of a crime of the Third Degree(punishable by a term of incarceration between 3 and 5 years in New Jersey State Prison). A fine of up to $35,000.00 may be imposed.
If you find yourself in the situation that you are charged with Possession of Cocaine, you should contact an attorney immediately, especially given the potential prison sentence if convicted. Former Morris County Prosecutor, Alissa D. Hascup is skilled and experienced at defending individuals charged with possession of cocaine and any range of drug offenses. She is committed to ensuring your rights are protected in court. Contact her office for a free consultation about your case. She is available 24/7 at 862-257-1200.