NJ Authorities Target Health Care Fraud, Arrest Clifton Business Owners, Roselle Doctor

Paramus New Jersey Fraud ChargesAfter two Clifton NJ medical facility owners pleaded guilty to accepting bribes, a Roselle NJ chiropractor has now admitted to participating in a similar fraud scheme.

New Jersey law enforcement has really cracked down on these kinds of fraud crimes in recent months. The latest target of NJ authorities was a 50-year-old Roselle chiropractor who faced criminal charges for health care claims fraud, conspiracy, and commercial bribery.

The Roselle doctor was arrested after the NJ Attorney General s Office Commercial Bribery Task Force conducted an investigation and uncovered a scheme to direct patients to pursue medical treatment at certain radiology centers that had paid bribes.

Among the physicians arrested were the Roselle chiropractor, two Paramus NJ residents who own an MRI facility in Clifton NJ, and other individuals throughout Central Jersey and North Jersey.

The two Clifton NJ suspects already pleaded guilty to health care fraud charges and admitted to paying nearly $1 million to doctors in exchange for medical referrals.

A fraud prosecutor involved with the commercial bribery task force said that the agency is going after doctors, medical service providers, and other professionals who are involved in a criminal conspiracy that is spreading like a stain across the state s healthcare industry. As a result, anyone arrested and charged in connection with the fraud schemes can expect to face stiff penalties if they are ultimately convicted.

For further information about this case, access the NJ.com article, “N.J. Chiropractor Arrested in Massive Bribery Scheme.”