Paterson NJ Men Face Heroin Distribution Charges, Allegedly Had 600 Packets of Heroin on City Street

Paterson NJ Heroin Distribution LawyersPaterson NJ police recently arrested two local men who allegedly had a large amount of heroin in their possession while walking on a city street.

The arrests were made around 5:00 p.m. Members of the Paterson Police Department Narcotics Division were in the middle of an investigation in the area of 3 Grimes Place in Paterson when they reportedly saw the two suspects acting suspiciously.

Paterson NJ police officers approached the suspects and eventually determined that it was appropriate to search the men for drugs. During the subsequent search, law enforcement allegedly discovered 605 packets of heroin. Police also reportedly found $1,105 in cash that is believed to be the proceeds of illegal drug transactions.

The suspects, both of whom are residents of Paterson, New Jersey, were placed under arrest and charged with multiple drug offenses, including possession of heroin, possession with intent to distribute heroin, and distribution of heroin within 500 feet of public housing.

If the suspects are convicted of the most serious drug crime charges of heroin distribution, they would face severe criminal penalties. As set forth by N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5, anyone possessing with intent to distribute more than five ounces of heroin can be charged with a first degree felony. A conviction on first degree heroin distribution charges could lead to a sentence of 10-20 years in New Jersey State Prison.

For additional information about this case, go to the article, “Paterson Duo found with Heroin, Drug Money, Cops Say.”