“Quality of Life” Sweep in Paterson NJ Nets Several Drug-Related Arrests

Paterson Drug Sweep-thumb-250x187-27534A weeklong “quality of life” sweep in open-market drug markets in the Paterson NJ area netted seven (7) arrests.

According to the Passaic County sheriff, the operation was focused primarily on street-level narcotics dealing. Police believe that this kind of drug dealing occurs with some frequency in three Paterson NJ areas: around Main Street and Slater Street, near 5th Avenue and Grimes Place, and at North 4th Street and Clinton Street.

Most of the arrests were drug related, but a few people were arrested for allegedly committing lesser offenses such as drinking in public and loitering in groups.

One person arrested during the sweep was 22-year-old Bloomfield NJ resident Charles Barden. According to police, Mr. Barden was caught with four (4) bricks of heroin, valued at roughly $2,000.00. Mr. Barden has been charged with distribution of heroin and possession of heroin. Police said that Mr. Barden already had an active warrant for his arrest out of Paterson.

Another person arrested in the sweep was 31-year-old Paterson NJ resident Edwin Gerena. Mr. Garena has been charged with possession of heroin and possession of prescription drugs.

A third person arrested during the course of the operation was 32-year-old Crystal Rivera. Police allegedly caught Ms. Rivera with ten (10) glassines of heroin. Police said that Ms. Rivera already had an active warrant out of Paterson.

For more information about the operation, check out the NJ.com article entitled “‘Quality of Life’ Sweep in Paterson Drug Markets Nets Seven Arrests.”