Jersey City Domestic Violence Suspect Assaults Officers

Luis Diaz, a 49-year old Jersey City man, was arrested yesterday after assaulting officers that were tasked with keeping him away from his residence on Summit Avenue, where a domestic violence related dispute had transpired on Wednesday.

According to local authorities, Diaz and another man encountered police in the area of Diaz’s residence at approximately 2:10pm yesterday. The two men appeared to be intoxicated – they told police that they wanted to go to Diaz’s residence to retrieve some of his belongings. When police told Diaz that he needed paperwork permitting him entry into the residence because of the domestic violence incident, he allegedly became enraged. Reports state that he cursed at police and said, “I’m going to kill you.”

Police then told Diaz that he was being placed under arrest, at which point he apparently became combative and violent – punched officers and kicking at least one in the groin.

Medical treatment was rendered to one officer for lacerations to his face and hand following the incident. Diaz was also treated by medical personnel at the Jersey City Medical Center, who later cleared him for incarceration.

Diaz was charged with Aggravated Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting Arrest,Terroristic Threats, Obstructing, and Disorderly Conduct. He is being held at the Hudson County jail in lieu of $2,500 bail. It appears that he also has a $100 detainer for a motor vehicle violation in Jersey City.

For more information, see the Jersey Journal article entitled, “Jersey City man in prior domestic dispute charged with assaulting cops.”

The details of Wednesday’s domestic violence incident are unknown. However, if convicted of these new charges, Diaz faces a maximum of 5 years incarceration in New Jersey State Prison (depending on his prior record, if any).