As the result of a recent altercation outside of a bar in Paterson, New Jersey, a local man is facing charges for aggravated assault andweapons offenses.
According to Sergeant Davis Rios of the Paterson Police Department, 21-year old Paterson resident Eddy Calderas is accused of stabbing two other men with a “butterfly” knife after an argument that began inside the bar escalated outside. The incident reportedly occurred at a bar located between Union Avenue and Kearny Street in Paterson’s 1st Ward at approximately 11:15 p.m., during which time one of the victims sustained a stab wound to the chest.
Although authorities have not released the identities of the victims, nor have they disclosed the extent of their injuries, it has been reported that the others involved are receiving treatment at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center.
With regard to Calderas, he is facing significant penalties if convicted of the crimes for which he is accused. With two separate counts of aggravated assault, he could be subject to serve the sentences for each victim consecutively. Aggravated assault offenses, which are governed under N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1b, can be classified as second, third, or fourth degree offenses, depending upon the circumstances of the specific case.
It is unclear the degree of the charges against Calderas; however, his use of a deadly weapon is an important contributing factor, as is the degree to which the victims’ injuries are classified as constituting “bodily injury,” “serious bodily injury,” or “significant bodily injury.” The legal definitions of these classifications are codified under N.J.S.A. 2C:11-1 and can be viewed on my Related Definitions – Homicide, Assault & Threat Crimes page.
For more information pertaining to this case, access the following article: Paterson man accused of stabbing two victims in bar fight